

Name Kwan-Young Bak
Label Statistician, Data Scientist
Phone +82-2-920-7186
Summary A statistician with a keen interest in the theory of statistical learning and the application of statistical methods


  • 2022.03 - Present

    Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Assistant Professor
    School of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, Sungshin Women's University
    • Teaching and Research
  • 2021.09 - 2022.02

    Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Research Professor
    Institute of Statistics, Korea University
    • Teaching and Research


  • 2017.03 - 2021.08

    Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Department of Statistics, Korea University
    Mathematical Statistics
    • Thesis: Function Estimation under Low-dimensional Structures (Advisor: Prof. Ja-Yong Koo)
  • 2009.03 - 2017.02

    Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Department of Statistics, Korea University


Programming Languages
- Proficient in Python, R/Rcpp, C, C++, JavaScript, SQL
- Experience in Matlab, Fortran
Statistical Software
- Proficient in SAS, SPSS
- Experience in AMOS
Application Development
- Deployment of machine learning models
- Full-stack web development
- Cross-platform desktop application development


Native speaker


Available upon request


  • 2024.04 - 2029.03
    Development of a nonparametric spatiotemporal model and optimization methodologies considering the complex structure of environmental exposure factors
    Ministry of Science and ICT - National Research Foundation of Korea
    • Nonparametric spatiotemporal model
    • Environmental exposure data
  • 2022.09 - 2025.02
    Development of penalization methodologies for multi-task nonparametric function estimation
    Ministry of Science and ICT - National Research Foundation of Korea
    • Multi-task learning
    • Penalization scheme
  • 2024.10 - 2025.08
    A Study on the development of a functional differentiation model for second tier general hospitals.
    Ministry of health and welfare
    • Functional differentiation Model
    • Second tier general hospitals
  • 2024.09 - 2024.12
    Designing a survey panel to evaluate minimum wage policy effects
    Ministry of Employment and Labor
    • Survey Panel Design
    • Minimum Wage Policy
  • 2021.09 - 2022.02
    Development of a methodology for optimal recovery of functional signals under low-dimension structures
    Ministry of Science and ICT - National Research Foundation of Korea
    • Functional data
    • Low-rank structure
  • 2024.03 - 2025.02
    Establishment of optimal convergence rates for multivariate regression function estimation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
    Sungshin Women's University
    • Reproducing kernel Hilbert space
    • Optimal convergence rates
  • 2023.03 - 2024.02
    Study on latent variable models for analyzing multi-sourse perception score data
    Sungshin Women's University
    • latent variable model
    • Multi-sourse perception score
  • 2022.03 - 2023.02
    Development of a nonparametric multi-task regression method under joint psarsity condition
    Sungshin Women's University
    • Multi-task regression
    • Joint Sparsity